In the Womb
Updated 11/25/06
Check this page for the latest info, photos, sounds files, and other minutiae that's certainly only interesting to us!
Ultrasound from 10/17/06 - baby is 12 weeks old
Click on the following links to hear the baby's heartbeat:
If you are having trouble playing the heartbeat, save the file to your desktop, and then open it with your default sound player (Windows Media Player, Quicktime, iTunes). To save the file, right-click on the link, select "Save Target As", and then select your desktop in the file browser window.
Ultrasounds from 11-20-06 - baby is 17 weeks old
Baby's face is looking right at you - the head is on the right. Hmmmm...looks a bit alien.
Baby stretching his legs - feet on the left and we think those are little butt-cheeks on the right.
Profile looking up, head on the right. Teeth and jaws showing through?
This one we're not quite sure about, but we think it's the profile looking up, with the head on the right.
MONEY SHOT! That's his manhood poking out between his legs. It's a boy all right.